
Every passing year since Jonah’s death, the month of August rolls around and it somehow takes me to a different place. It takes me three years back. To a place full of sorrow, unknown and fears. It was a scary time in my life and a time I am not soon to forget. Looking back […]

Never Alone

For all my baby loss friends… Thank you for being there for me when others could not. Thank you for giving me courage through your strength. Thank you for listening to my story and loving my sweet boy – just as I do. You’ll never know how much your kindness means to me. Never aloneNever aloneI’ll […]

It Comes In Waves

  “Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.” Sometimes the waves are just there to tickle my feet and remind me of what happened and all that is lost, but then again there are […]

One Brief Moment

The other day the sun was shining, but all I felt was darkness. Everything went to silence as I was getting ready for the day and Jonah’s song came on the radio. It brought me back to his burial. We played a song at his graveside as we watched family and friends release blue balloons […]